


Prayer 1
Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for your divine protection over us, thank you for all you are doing through Feeding All Nations Through Jesus Christ, thank you for your divine protection over the coordinators, thank you for the success of their outreaches since inception. Thank you, Father, for the success of the prayer walk in Jesus’ name.

Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.”
Psalms 103:1

Prayer 2
Father, in the name of Jesus, I come against every spirit of prayerlessness, I command the fire of God to come upon my prayer altar. Father, baptize me with the spirit of prayer and supplication in the name of Jesus.

“Pray without ceasing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Prayer 3
Father, in the name of Jesus, increase and enlarge Feeding All Nation Through Jesus Christ, let your divine protection be upon all the coordinators and their family. I command every attack of the wicked against the growth and expansion of Feeding All Nation Through Jesus Christ to be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus.

Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end,…
Isaiah 9:7


Prayer is the spiritual lifeline of a Christian. Without prayer, a believer has no relationship with God.

Prayer is giving your attention, dedicating some of your time to God daily in a two-way spiritual relationship where you talk to God, and God talks back to you.

As children of God, the best way to relate with God is talking to him and listening to Him. We can only talk to God through prayer.

Jesus Christ made us to understand that prayer is a must, not an option. Mark 11:24, Matthew 6:7

Benefits of Prayer

  1. Through prayer, you develop a relationship with God. As you speak to God in prayer, He will also speak back to you in different ways.
  2. Prayer helps you to understand God more. The more you pray, the closer you get to God.
  3. Each time we pray, God answers, but at times, we need to tune in to the Spirit to understand what God is saying per time.
  4. Prayer gives you the strength to avoid temptation and continue in your Christian journey
  5. Prayer aligns you and keeps you in the will of God. As you continue to pray, it becomes easy for you to stay in the will of God, and you receive grace and strength to fulfill the plan and purpose of God for your life.
  6. When you pray, you experience miracles, the Lord makes a way for you, situations are turned around.
  7. As you pray, you invite the Holy Spirit into your life, the Holy Spirit helps you and grants you divine direction.
  8. Prayer helps you to become more like Jesus, you see people the same way Jesus sees them, you love them the way Jesus loved people when he walked the earth.

    1 Thessalonians 5:16, John 15:5, Psalms 65:2, John 16:13, Jeremiah 33:3, Matthew 7:8
    El Shaddai Heritage.