


Opening Prayer
Prayer 1
Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for giving me and my family the opportunity to see the month of June 2023, thank you for your provision, for your protection and help. Thank you for your divine protection over the coordinators in this commission, thank you for all you are doing through Feeding All Nation Through Jesus Christ in Jesus mighty name.
Psalms 118:23

Prayer 2
Father, in the name of Jesus, let your resurrection power come upon me and my children, let every good thing that is not working in our lives receive the fire of God and come alive now. Father, increase my faith in you, let my children become pillars in your house in the name of Jesus.
James 1:6

Prayer 3
Father in the name of Jesus, bless, increase and enlarge Feeding All Nation Through Jesus Christ, let their source of income never run dry, let the attack of the wicked against the growth and expansion of this commission be destroyed by fire, Let your divine protection be upon them and all the coordinators in the name of Jesus.
Deuteronomy 28:8


Our Prophetic Focus for the month of June 2023 is Faith.

In Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1, the Bible says:

“…faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

In verse 2 and subsequent verses of the same chapter, the Bible says that by this Faith, the elders, the fathers of faith, those who have gone ahead of us obtained a good report, they received answers to their prayers.

In Acts 10:34-35, Roman 2:11

Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

Whatever God does for one person He will do for another as long as you meet the standard.
God have no favourites, God does not show favoritism.
No man is lucky when it pertains to the things of God.
You have to work for it, you have to make yourself available, and you have to make yourself reachable.

In Luke chapter 18 verse 8, Jesus Christ said

“…when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”

When you have prayed, when The Lord comes to check the content of your prayer, will your prayer be accompanied by faith? Faith is the key that opens the door to what you are asking God for.

After you have prayed, believe that God has answered your prayers, the God you serve is alive, He is not dead.

Never, murmur and complain about what you have committed into the hands of God, about what you have prayed over.
when you complain, you are inadvertently telling God that He is not capable, that he is weak, that he is slow, and that he is unable to save you from that predicament.

Q: What is faith?
A: Faith is the assurance, the confirmation of things we want God to do for us, and the evidence of things not seen. We are convinced without any iota of doubt that God is able to do what we ask for.
Q: How do I get this faith?
A: By studying your Bible, and listening to anointed teachings by your pastor and other men of God.
Q: How do I build my faith?
A: By hearing the Word of God consistently. Romans 10:17
Q: What if I pray and God does not answer?
A: God always answers your prayers, it is the devil that stands in the way. Daniels 10:12
Q: So, what do I do if the answer to my prayer is delayed?
A: Continue with your prayers, don’t stop. Daniels 10:13, 1 Thessalonians 5:17

If you do not go to church, if you do not pray because that is what is in vogue, or because you don’t want people to start wondering where you stand, whether you are for Jesus or for the devil, you are doing yourself a disservice.
It is important that you develop a relationship with God, know the God you are serving, and let God know you.